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Friday, January 14, 2011

Starlix Works Efficiently Against Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is such a disorder which has been increasing today at an alarm rate. Diabetes is of two types and Type 2 is the one which has been affecting people at large scale. This is a condition in which body cells becomes numb to insulin. This Type 2 is at such an urge that it has occupied a half of the population over the world.

Thanks to medication which have now helped to control this growth of Type 2 Diabetes. Starlix is one of them. Starlix is an anti diabetic drug which aids the body cells to make them sensitive to insulin which allows the blood sugar pass to cells and produce energy in the body. Starlix comes in the form of tablet and should be taken with water. If you follow healthy diet and regular exercise with this tab then you can get more effective results. 

Starlix is prescribed drug for only Type 2 Diabetes. In this problem the sugar level rises so high that it affects the other parts of body. But Starlix helps to reduce the level.  Though healthy diet and exercise are also the methods to slow down the sugar level but when this does not work Starlix is the best solution. It may also be prescribe with other drugs for better results.

The main reason why the sugar level increases in the blood is ignorance of body cells to insulin. Insulin is the hormone which is useful to convert energy by body cells. It is produced by pancreas. Starlix makes the cell sensitive to insulin and treat the person from Type 2 Diabetes. Starlix is not the permanent cure but it treats the blood sugar level by lowering it.

This type of Diabetes is mostly found in obese people as the fat in their body disturbs the body to use insulin which increases blood sugar level and makes person prone to Type 2 Diabetes. Other people may also get prone to this due to the poor physical activities, unhealthy diet.
 Thus Starlix helps to avoid this disorder and you can control diabetes.

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